Press Release...
Army Reserve - Family Day
occasion was the 431st
Quartermaster Company (Army
Reserve) Family Day. Our host
was Omar Mewborn, National
Defense Liaison-NC, University
of Phoenix. The purpose of the
Family Day event was to provide
Service Members and their
Families with an opportunity to
enjoy access to resource
vendors/service providers that
they deem important to their
need, good food, company,
entertainment, games
and recognition for the
sacrifice made by these military
families – a sacrifice which
often goes unnoticed.
Making the Cut
Nanette Christiani, left, from Holly Springs gets some advice on her résumé from Billie Jordan of Advantage Résumés at a job fair at Radisson Hotel in Research Triangle Park on Thursday. With applications flooding in for any open position, first impressions are important.
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The Raleigh News & Observer (7/12/2009)
Paper Weight
When George Thorogood sang "get a haircut and get a real job," he never said how much easier the haircut part was.
These days, getting a job ain't so simple. There's résumés and first interviews and second interviews and cover letters and a gazillion other flaming hoops that applicants must jump through.
Problem is, folks on the market for a job rarely feel like the lion; instead, they probably feel more like its dinner, considering the suit-wearing, tie-wielding bosses that inspect résumés with a keen eye for that which is wrong.
Poor font choice? Thrown in the garbage. Not enough vivid verbs? Tossed in the trash. Spelling errors? Paper shredder, here we come.
So how do you do it right? It's hard for people to simply apply for a job, let alone get one. But rest easy: There are those out there who's career it is to help you find yours.
Sales pitch
Billie P. Jordan was one of those hiring gatekeepers for more than 30 years. Now she helps applicants get passed them.
Jordan, who lives in Maysville, started Advantage Résumés and Career Services five years ago. The professional résumé writer and interview coach said a major problem she sees is an exaggerated humility in applicants.
"Most people do not give themselves credit," she said. "What you look at as no big deal may be a big deal. They get so wrapped up in what they do, day to day, that they don't get the right perspective."
So to help her clients really dig down and find their skills, she'll set up an interview with them - preferably face-to-face - to learn about their employment history and get a read on what they do well. Then she'll write a draft résumé and go over it with the client, who can make corrections. The document is revised until it suits the client.
The end product should be a document that reflects well on that person, Jordan said, both a repository of a candidate's skills and a sales pitch. A professional can help you avoid résumé faux pas.
"There is not one way to write a résumé, but there are definitely wrong ways to do it," Jordan said.
The worst sin, however, is a lack of preparation, Jordan said.
"Most people just don't take it seriously, when it is serious," she said. "Then you get through the process and realize that mistakes can cost you a job."
'It takes time'
Jordan writes about 10 résumés each month. A final résumé, with copies printed on fancy résumé paper, can cost anywhere from $100 to $150, with additional charges for add-ons such as cover letters or interview coaching or personality assessments.
Jordan said she isn't necessarily surprised that some people don't write their own documents, considering the bustle of life. For example, many of her clients are Marines who will soon be entering civilian life. Some of them are still in Iraq.
"It doesn't surprise me," she said. "People can do their own résumés, but it takes time. I try to study the art. If you are busy looking for a job, you may just not have the time. It gets a bit of the burden off of them."
Another reason is that modern employers seem to demand more out of applicants than in the past.
"There probably is more to it today," Jordan said. "The process gets ever more sophisticated. Employers can get very specific about their needs. It seems that employers demand more."
So demand more from yourself. Start preparing, start brainstorming and maybe get yourself some professional help.
And get that haircut.
To view this archived article online...CLICK HERE.